• 12-01-2025
  • USD 35,44
  • EUR 36,35
  • STERLIN 43,28
  • ALTIN 3.063,15
  • BİST100 9.911
  • BTC 95.000

deplasman haberleri

deplasman haberleri ve güncel deplasman gelişmeleri, deplasman ile ilgili tüm video, deplasman fotoğrafları ve deplasman haberleri Haber - Son Dakika Haberleri - Haberler - Diriliş Postası sitemizde


Süper Lig'de Galatasaray'a konuk olacak Trabzonspor, 212 gündür deplasmanda kazanamıyor.


Samsunspor, bu sezon Trendyol Süper Lig'de deplasmanda oynadığı 5 deplasman maçını da kazanarak, Avrupa’nın birçok takımını geride bıraktı.


Göztepe, Trendyol Süper Lig’in 9. haftasında konuk olacağı Eyüpspor’u mağlup ederek bu sezonki ilk deplasman galibiyetini almak istiyor.


Lyon Valisi, Beşiktaş taraftarlarının deplasman tribününe alınmayacağını açıklamıştı. UEFA, bu konu hakkında resmi kararını verdi.


Altay, TFF 2. Lig Beyaz Grup’taki 6. ve 7. hafta maçlarını deplasmanda oynayacak.


Fenerbahçe, Süper Lig'in 3. haftasında deplasmanda karşılaştığı Çaykur Rizespor'u 5-0'lık skorla mağlup etti.


İsviçre deplasmanında sahne alan Galatasaray, 2-0’dan 2-2’yi bulmasına rağmen son anlarda gelen penaltı golüyle rakibine direnemedi. Cimbom’un tur şansı İstanbul’a...


Çaykur Rizespor Teknik Direktörü İlhan Palut, Adana Demirspor maçının ardından, “Oyunun kontrolünü elimizde tuttuk. Önemli bir deplasman galibiyeti. Oyuncularım 3...


Galatasaray, yarın oynayacağı Konyaspor maçı öncesi Konya'ya geldi.


Konyaspor, Süper Lig'in ilk haftasında deplasmanda karşılaştığı Kasımpaşa'yı 3-2'lik skorla mağlup ederek ilk hafta hanesine 3 puan yazdırdı.


Beşiktaş, Süper Lig’de sezonun ilk haftasında Samsunspor ile yarın oynayacağı maç için Samsun’a geldi.


Süper Lig’de bu sezon deplasmanda mağlubiyet yaşamayan Fenerbahçe, sezonun son dış saha maçında Galatasaray’ı yenerse hem bu seriyi sürdürecek hem...

Arşiv Etiketleri
let adsManager; let adsLoader; let adDisplayContainer; let playButton; let videoContent; let adsInitialized; let autoplayAllowed; let autoplayRequiresMuted; /** * Initializes IMA setup. */ function initDesktopAutoplayExample() { videoContent = document.getElementById('contentElement'); playButton = document.getElementById('playButton'); playButton.addEventListener('click', () => { // Initialize the container. Must be done through a user action where // autoplay is not allowed. adDisplayContainer.initialize(); adsInitialized = true; videoContent.load(); playAds(); }); setUpIMA(); // Check if autoplay is supported. checkAutoplaySupport(); } /** * Attempts autoplay and handles success and failure cases. */ function checkAutoplaySupport() { // Test for autoplay support with our content player. const playPromise = videoContent.play(); if (playPromise !== undefined) { playPromise.then(onAutoplayWithSoundSuccess).catch(onAutoplayWithSoundFail); } } /** * Handles case where autoplay succeeded with sound. */ function onAutoplayWithSoundSuccess() { // If we make it here, unmuted autoplay works. videoContent.pause(); autoplayAllowed = true; autoplayRequiresMuted = false; autoplayChecksResolved(); } /** * Handles case where autoplay fails with sound. */ function onAutoplayWithSoundFail() { // Unmuted autoplay failed. Now try muted autoplay. checkMutedAutoplaySupport(); } /** * Checks if video can autoplay while muted. */ function checkMutedAutoplaySupport() { videoContent.volume = 0; videoContent.muted = true; const playPromise = videoContent.play(); if (playPromise !== undefined) { playPromise.then(onMutedAutoplaySuccess).catch(onMutedAutoplayFail); } } /** * Handles case where autoplay succeeded while muted. */ function onMutedAutoplaySuccess() { // If we make it here, muted autoplay works but unmuted autoplay does not. videoContent.pause(); autoplayAllowed = true; autoplayRequiresMuted = true; autoplayChecksResolved(); } /** * Handles case where autoplay failed while muted. */ function onMutedAutoplayFail() { // Both muted and unmuted autoplay failed. Fall back to click to play. videoContent.volume = 1; videoContent.muted = false; autoplayAllowed = false; autoplayRequiresMuted = false; autoplayChecksResolved(); } /** * Sets up IMA ad display container, ads loader, and makes an ad request. */ function setUpIMA() { // Create the ad display container. createAdDisplayContainer(); // Create ads loader. adsLoader = new google.ima.AdsLoader(adDisplayContainer); // Listen and respond to ads loaded and error events. adsLoader.addEventListener( google.ima.AdsManagerLoadedEvent.Type.ADS_MANAGER_LOADED, onAdsManagerLoaded, false); adsLoader.addEventListener( google.ima.AdErrorEvent.Type.AD_ERROR, onAdError, false); // An event listener to tell the SDK that our content video // is completed so the SDK can play any post-roll ads. videoContent.onended = contentEndedListener; } /** * Handles content ending and calls adsLoader.contentComplete() */ function contentEndedListener() { videoContent.onended = null; if (adsLoader) { adsLoader.contentComplete(); } } /** * Builds an ad request and uses it to request ads. */ function autoplayChecksResolved() { // Request video ads. const adsRequest = new google.ima.AdsRequest(); adsRequest.adTagUrl = 'https://api.adnsafe.org/vast/1003335/1102875/1000043?click=${CLICK_URL}&ti=${CACHEBUSTE}&vstvrs=2'; // Specify the linear and nonlinear slot sizes. This helps the SDK to // select the correct creative if multiple are returned. adsRequest.linearAdSlotWidth = 640; adsRequest.linearAdSlotHeight = 400; adsRequest.nonLinearAdSlotWidth = 640; adsRequest.nonLinearAdSlotHeight = 150; adsRequest.setAdWillAutoPlay(autoplayAllowed); adsRequest.setAdWillPlayMuted(autoplayRequiresMuted); adsLoader.requestAds(adsRequest); } /** * Sets the 'adContainer' div as the IMA ad display container. */ function createAdDisplayContainer() { // We assume the adContainer is the DOM id of the element that will house // the ads. adDisplayContainer = new google.ima.AdDisplayContainer( document.getElementById('adContainer'), videoContent); } /** * Loads the video content and initializes IMA ad playback. */ function playAds() { try { if (!adsInitialized) { adDisplayContainer.initialize(); adsInitialized = true; } // Initialize the ads manager. Ad rules playlist will start at this time. adsManager.init(640, 360, google.ima.ViewMode.NORMAL); // Call play to start showing the ad. Single video and overlay ads will // start at this time; the call will be ignored for ad rules. adsManager.start(); } catch (adError) { // An error may be thrown if there was a problem with the VAST response. videoContent.play(); } } /** * Handles the ad manager loading and sets ad event listeners. * @param {!google.ima.AdsManagerLoadedEvent} adsManagerLoadedEvent */ function onAdsManagerLoaded(adsManagerLoadedEvent) { // Get the ads manager. const adsRenderingSettings = new google.ima.AdsRenderingSettings(); adsRenderingSettings.restoreCustomPlaybackStateOnAdBreakComplete = true; // videoContent should be set to the content video element. adsManager = adsManagerLoadedEvent.getAdsManager(videoContent, adsRenderingSettings); // Mute the ad if doing muted autoplay. const adVolume = (autoplayAllowed && autoplayRequiresMuted) ? 0 : 1; adsManager.setVolume(adVolume); // Add listeners to the required events. adsManager.addEventListener(google.ima.AdErrorEvent.Type.AD_ERROR, onAdError); adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdEvent.Type.CONTENT_PAUSE_REQUESTED, onContentPauseRequested); adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdEvent.Type.CONTENT_RESUME_REQUESTED, onContentResumeRequested); adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdEvent.Type.ALL_ADS_COMPLETED, onAdEvent); // Listen to any additional events, if necessary. adsManager.addEventListener(google.ima.AdEvent.Type.LOADED, onAdEvent); adsManager.addEventListener(google.ima.AdEvent.Type.STARTED, onAdEvent); adsManager.addEventListener(google.ima.AdEvent.Type.COMPLETE, onAdEvent); if (autoplayAllowed) { playAds(); } else { playButton.style.display = 'block'; } } /** * Handles actions taken in response to ad events. * @param {!google.ima.AdEvent} adEvent */ function onAdEvent(adEvent) { // Retrieve the ad from the event. Some events (for example, // ALL_ADS_COMPLETED) don't have ad object associated. const ad = adEvent.getAd(); switch (adEvent.type) { case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.LOADED: // This is the first event sent for an ad - it is possible to // determine whether the ad is a video ad or an overlay. if (!ad.isLinear()) { videoContent.play(); } break; } } /** * Handles ad errors. * @param {!google.ima.AdErrorEvent} adErrorEvent */ function onAdError(adErrorEvent) { // Handle the error logging. console.log(adErrorEvent.getError()); adsManager.destroy(); // Fall back to playing content. videoContent.play(); } /** * Pauses video content and sets up ad UI. */ function onContentPauseRequested() { videoContent.pause(); videoContent.onended = null; } /** * Resumes video content and removes ad UI. */ function onContentResumeRequested() { videoContent.play(); videoContent.onended = contentEndedListener; }